How our pricing works

A Floorplanner BASIC account is free. With this account you can create projects at Project Level 1. If you want better images or want to use some of the more advanced features that Floorplanner offers, you will need credits to upgrade your project to a higher Project Level. Credits can be bought without a subscription. We also offer subscriptions in the form of recurring prepaid creditbundles.

Subscriptions for every need

Each paid Floorplanner subscription provides you with a number of credits that you can spend to upgrade the level of your project. There is a subscription to fit every user.

Our subscriptions also offer some more advanced features that can be of great value to regular users, whether they are individuals, small team or larger organizations.

Project Levels in a nutshell

A project can be one of five Project Levels. A new level unlocks better export capabilities, functionality and publish options. Each upgrade costs a certain number of credits. This is a one-time-fee.

After your project is upgraded you can use all the functionality of the new Project Level, as much as you need, as long as you need it.

How to acquire credits

There are two ways to acquire credits:

  • Buy a bundle of credits on-the-go for a one-time-fee. You can buy them in the dashboard of your Floorplanner account.
  • Get a subscription that will give you a recurring bundle of credits monthly or yearly.

Credits will NOT expire!

Fun to start with

Our free Floorplanner BASIC subscription gives you access to the full functionality and library so you can draw any floorplan you want. Your project will start at Project Level 1 en this enables you to render 2D & 3D images in SD Quality.

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Create your account for free and discover how easy, fast and fun it is to make a project.